Wednesday 13 July 2011



1.       If a student remains absent without leave for more them 10 days continuously, his/her name is liable to be struck off the college rolls. However, he/she may seek readmission by applying to the Principal. This will not be ordinarily allowed unless the Principal is fully satisfied that the reason behind the leave is beyond his/her control and absence was justifiable. He is to pay readmission fee for seeking admission as per fee structure.
2.       Leave from the college for any duration will be granted by the Principal on the recommendation of the lecturer in-charge of the section.
3.       Those who absent themselves without leave on days immediately preceding following short/long break will have to pay a special fine Rs.10/-per day.
4.       Late comers or absent from the morning assembly which is compulsory for all will have to pay a fine of Rs.5/-per day.
5.       Absence Fine for the whole day will be Rs. 10/- Absence from the period without permission will be Rs.10/-
6.       Leave on account of illness should be accompanied by Medical certificate of Government Hospital.

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